Minutes from QACRSPA Meeting - Wednesday, October 9, 2024
11:30 Conversation and renewing friendships - Retirees began to arrive for a chance to catch up, chat and visit with friends and past coworkers.
12:01 Welcome - Richard welcomed the group and reminded us to keep the people of the southeast, those struggling with the aftermath of Helene and those bracing for Milton, in our thoughts and prayers. Helen Benchoff led the group in prayer. Retirees enjoyed a delicious soup, salad and sandwich bar luncheon catered by Suzie's Kitchen.
12:55 Meeting called to order (Zoom meeting began) - Richard introduced our first guest.
MRSPA Area Director, Debbie Chance, spoke about the great things that QACRSPA is doing to support the local community. She announced that the new MRSPA president is Betty Weller from Kent County. Ms. Chance also reminded the group about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and remembering that candidates for local offices are very important and can have a large impact on education and state pensions. She closed her comments asking for people to serve on the MRSPA scholarship committee.
Sandy Hartmann introduced our second guest
QACPS Character Counts coordinator Melinda Ray announced that the Character Counts program is now in its 24th year in Queen Annes County. Character Counts is an all-volunteer organization that operates in all K-5 classrooms in the school system. This year for the first time, there will be one Character Counts coach in each of the middle schools as well. Last year, a staff recognition program was started at each school and this year there will be student ambassadors at each elementary school. Character Counts is looking for new volunteers. There is a need for 4 or 5 classroom coaches. This would involve one or 2 (20 to 30 minute) classroom visits per month. Character Counts provides all necessary content information and materials.
Sue Miller - Treasurer's report: As of August 31, 2024, the accounts at Shore United Bank show
QACRSPA $4,310.07
Scholarship $9,159.30
Total $15,469.37
Steve Strobeck- Legislative Report: Steve provided copies of the MRSPA Legislative Priorities pamphlet to the group, highlighting pension protection and health care as the top two legislative priorities for the organization. He stated that while the MRSPA Legislative Committee is not endorsing any candidates it does support the removal of voting barriers such as ID requirements.
Mary Holden- Membership: Mary mentioned that some people have forgotten to renew their 24-25 membership. In January, MRSPA will be making a new drive to promote membership. Richard reminded us that it isn't about the number of members but growing the organization so that we can communicate important information about pensions and health care to all retirees.
Richard McNeal for Susan Boone- Necrology: Richard announced the passing of Brenda Newton this past week. The group shared a moment of silence in her memory.
General announcements:
- Richard reminded everyone that in March of next year there will be elections for new officers. More information will be provided at our December meeting.
- Our December meeting/luncheon will be held at Prospect Bay on December 10, 2024. More information and an RSVP form will be in the December Newsletter. It is important for members to return their meal choice and payment promptly as there will be a very short turnaround time to get our reservations confirmed with the country club.
- Fall Friendly Feud Winners - Richard thanked Jackie Wilhelm for once again managing the Facebook Fall Friendly Feud. This year there were participants in 3 different time zones. The winners for this year were: In third place, with 117 points, was Mary Holden. In second place, with 137 points, was Tomi Fabri. In first place, with 149 points, was Faye Williams.
- Madeline Hubbard is requesting more personal stories of work experiences for the Newsletter.
- The ALS Walk will take place on October 20th at the 4H Park at 10:00 am. Please come out and support Pam Edwards and her family.
Meeting was adjourned and decorations of pumpkins for distribution at Corsica Hills and hospice began.
As an additional service project, enough water bottles were collected to distribute at least 2 cases to the nurse' offices at each of our schools
Marge Felty
Secretary |